Aroldo A. Dargél obtained his M.D. from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, Brazil in 2000 and began a general practice before completing residency in psychiatry in Porto Alegre in 2012.  He obtained a Ph.D. in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences in 2014 again from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. He then worked in a variety of settings including inpatient, emergency psychiatry, consultation psychiatry, and an outpatient mood disorders clinic as an Assistant Professor of Neuropsychiatry at São Pedro Psychiatric Hospital, in Brazil. In January of 2016, Dr. Dargél took a research position at the Perception and Memory Laboratory of Pasteur Institute in Paris, France where he focused on digital assessments and interventions in bipolar disorder, including the use of digital technologies and artificial intelligence, and how these approaches can be implemented in the clinical practice. He joined The Ottawa Hospital and the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute in July of 2022. Dr. Dargél has an interest in translational approaches for a deeper understanding of the multi-systemic involvement such as cardiometabolic disturbances, cognitive decline and premature aging that comes with bipolar and other mood disorders.